Video tutorials – Principles of good bug reporting

Software testing tools team work very hard to bring you all the information you need.

Now we also do it with cool and short video!

This is our first video about Principles of good bug reporting:

We hope you’ll enjoy it and we would love to hear what you think about it!!!

A summary of this tutorial:

Principles of good bug reporting

There is not a developer that likes to hear he has done something wrong, but when you report a bug this is actually what you’re doing!

When you are a tester- a bug reporting is like your business card. A good bug report will show you as professional and accurate.  A bad one…  you know what that will show!

Let’s review 6 principles for good bug reporting:

  1. A short and precise title – The title gives us the opportunity to quickly understand and remember what the bug is all about. It should be one sentence, providing the highlights of the issue and the way to understand how a user could run into it.
  2. Concise but complete description– The most important things to include are:
    • All steps to reproduce – include the simplest way to reproduce the bug.
    • Consequences of the bug- what will happen to the user if and when he runs into it.
    • Suggested/Expected behavior – especially when these are not trivial to understand.
    • As a rule of thumb, 3 to 10 lines should be enough in 80% of the cases.
  3. Good attachments– Provide ONLY the relevant information in your attachment.
  4. Complete definition of the categorizing fields– these fields will help your team to categorize and in some cases reproduce the bug correctly.
  5. Correct Severity & Priority– giving it the wrong severity will only make the person in charge of the bug angry and it will lower your chances of having this bug fixed.
  6. Follow-up and comment– continue following up on your bugs, and providing comments when necessary.

As you can see, writing a bug is not Rocket Science but it requires you to concentrate on what you do, just put your head into it!

Watch our previous video about: Risk based test management

Or watch the next video about: How to approach your next testing project

You might be also interested in reading our article about Bug tracking-Bugzilla


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