Video tutorials – How to approach your next testing project

Software testing tools team work very hard to bring you all the information you need.

Now we also do it with cool and short video!

This is another short video we made for you to give you basic steps in –

 How to approach your next testing project:

We hope you’ll enjoy it and we would love to hear what you think about it!!!

A summary of this tutorial:

How to approach your next testing project –

There are some logical steps to follow when you want to plan and execute your testing project.  You might already be working this way, but it is always good to go over the basics to make sure you are working correctly!

Step 1- Understand the scope of your testing project, or what do you need to test this time around?

  • New features
  • New supported platforms
  • Bug fixes
  • New integrationsEtc.

Step 2 –  Based on the scope of your project, get an idea and calculate how long it will take you to plan and execute the test for the given changes and activities.

Step 3 – Since not all tests are equal and some things may need to be tested earlier than others, coordinate with development and the rest of the teams involved in the project the delivery schedule for each individual feature.

Step 4 – Execute your test cases based on this delivery schedule.

You can use an approach such as the risk based test management principles we gave you in our previous video to do this!

Remember- no matter how good you planned your testing project, there will always be changes and adjustments, so be ready, able and open minded in order to adapt to the changing needs of your project!

It is important to understand that throughout the whole process you want to generate full visibility on your progress, both to the testing team and the people outside your team like managers, clients, Etc.

Good Luck!!!


Go to our previous video tutorials:

Risk based test management

Principles of good bug reporting


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