Manual Testing Introduction

Introduction to Manual Testing!

Manual Testing is the basic process of Testing Software Tools for defects, bugs, errors, etc. manually by a tester. It is different from Test Automation in the sense that is is done by people instead of computers.

The tester is very important in this process since they are the ones who run the test cases and verify all the features of the application to ensure it runs smoothly.

The test plan is created before the actual testing begins, and once completed the tester will follow the details of the plan to ensure a thorough testing of each test case. The testing is vital to ensure the end goal of a stable product before releasing it to the public.

Since manual labor is involved, Manual Testing can be costly. In order to reduce the cost of testing, automation may be used instead [See reasons NOT to use manual testing].

Computers can follow a series of sequences or steps more quickly than a human could, and it can run tests throughout the night to have results ready by the next morning. This might seem great but there is a catch; depending on the type of application that needs to be tested, the required Automation Testing best practices may require more labor than the manual process.

There are a few stages required in Manual Testing:

  • The first stage is called unit testing. This is usually carried out by the developer using the white box testing technique.
  • The next stage is integration testing where the black box method is normally used.
  • Next is system testing where the software is tested from all possible angles for every intended purpose and platform; black box is normally used here.
  • User acceptance testing is the fourth stage; this stage is pretty self-explanatory with the goal of ensuring the customer accepts the software.
  • Lastly is release or deployment testing; the system/software/etc. will be installed in its intended place and checked to make sure setup works smoothly.

Manual testing is vital when dealing with software since it is a thorough process with an end goal of making sure everything runs at its maximum capacity and without error. The testers who take on this task need to be creative and– most importantly– patient.

Manual testing can prove to be very useful in places where Automatic Testing fails. Read more about Test Automation Vs Manual Testing.

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