Load Testing Tool – HP LoadRunner

HP LoadRunner

This tool is actually a combination of three tools in one – Load Testing, Performance testing and StormRunner for testing capabilities.

The Load Testing Tool – HP LoadRunner gives you an extensive interactive user transaction simulation capabilities.
Those simulators reduce the amount of time and skill required to simulate user transactions in Load testing software.

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HP Loadrunner supports a wide range of applications. Between them you’ll find:  mobile, Ajax, Flex, HTML 5, .NET, Java, GWT, Silverlight, SOAP, Citrix, ERP, legacy and more. An easy-to-use scripting and debugging engine leverages data format extensions and correlation studio to reduce the amount of time spent scripting.

The Load Testing Tool – HP LoadRunner is one of the most widely used performance-testing tools since it uses minimal hardware resources and is extremely efficient.

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The LoadRunner system has extensive documentation for sharing with clients, Colleagues and managers, You can also find a good help system if you run in to any trouble. It provides graphs and easy to read and understand reporting.

All can help your team be more accurate while performing testing.

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With its Bubble-Up analysis capabilities, it can give you an accurate picture of end-to-end system performance.

A strong analysis engine helps you see data in many ways to easily pinpoint the root cause of the problems. You can also use templates to generate multiple custom reports to serve the needs of clients.


The down sides of the Load Testing Tool – HP LoadRunner are:

  •      The length of time it takes to script if this is a complex case. And also re-use of these tests can be Frustrating, especially if it is an on-going test that changes frequently.
  •      It is not the easiest tool to study. It is often required skills and planning.

Although, today most of the time you will get support on the tool and once you study it you have no problem dealing with it and it became simple enough.




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2 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Hi
    A few comments:
    1 – StormRunner Load is not part of LoadRunner, but rather a complementing tool that is targeted mainly at cloud based applications
    2 – The screen shots are slightly outdated as version 12.53 is now in the market and also StormRunner Load has undergone significant design changes and does not look like the images in the article. I suggest going over the updated releases and to update the screen shots.
    3 – “It is not the easiest tool to study. It is often required skills and planning.” = I don’t see this as a limitation, but rather as a way to ensure that your performance engineer is a person of skill and will know how to execute a test and how to analyze it and derive the correct tasks from it.

    Other than that – it’s a good start 🙂

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