Apache JMeter
Load Testing Tool-Apache JMeter application is open source system. It’s a Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance.
Since the first version of JMeter it has become one of the most popular open source Load testing software as an alternative to HP LoadRunner and other big load testing software.
The Load Testing Tool-Apache JMeter is design to test static and dynamic applications. You can use it to simulate a heavy load on a server or group of servers. And also, you can use it to analyze overall performance of different load types.
- It has the ability to load many different types of applications, such as HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, FTP, Message-oriented middleware, Java Objects and much more.
- Load Testing tool-Apache JMeter has test plan recording that allows you to fully understand and follow every step of the test. It has a user-friendly GUI that helps while building and debugging a project.
- You can get a full dynamic HTML report that’s ready to present which allows you an online and offline analysis and replaying of test reports so you can get extensive information and learn everything there is to learn about your test case.
· You can find a multiple implementations of pre/post processors around sampler. This provides advanced setup, teardown parameterization, and correlation capabilities.
Using Load Testing tool-Apache JMeter is not very complicated and you can find online guides to install it and to use it. As you will see in the next screenshot, opening a test case is rather easy once you have the software installed on your computer.
A test plan is composed of a sequence of test components that determine how the load test will be simulated.
At the end of the test you can receive readable graphs to share with your clients or with your colleagues at any time.
These reports are easy to read and understand so you can get better knowledge about your testing and come to conclusions that can help you develop your tests actions.